We had high hopes for the 2019 Oscars red carpet, and celebrities like Lady Gaga, Angela Bassett, Charlize Theron, and others truly knocked it out of the park this year. Jennifer Lopez wore an insanely intricate Tom Ford dress with mirrored mosaic details, while Theron contrasted her newly dark hair with a sleek Dior gown. But while the ceremony red carpet was beautiful, the after-parties are where it’s at if you want to see more risk-taking outfits.
Attending Oscars after-parties, Lopez changed into a Zuhair Murad Couture dress while Mindy Kaling stunned in an Alberta Ferretti number. Meanwhile, Selma Blair’s colorful Ralph & Russo gown marked her first red carpet appearance since she revealed her MS diagnosis back in October. Hollywood couples also came out in full force, including Chrissy Teigen and John Legend and newlyweds Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. Scroll down to see the best 2019 Oscars after-party outfits.
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